In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful;

We have recently updated this page so that you our visitors, and most importantly our prospective participants, can have a clearer picture about the whole programme. This particular post will be some sort of brief introduction about the whole programme, and this whole website too.

So, what is actually Fly High?

Briefly, Fly High is kinda a pre-departure programme, and as you can already tell, it’s specifically aimed at Aussie- and NZ-bound students, although the core module still generally caters for overseas-bound students to other countries. its 2 days itinerary includes talks by renowned speakers, workshops and discussion groups, led by experienced facilitators. <read Intro page>

Its aim is to basically prepare students with everything that you need to know prior to your departure, so that the participants will be well-geared for life as a foreign student on a foreign land, hoping that our participants will always be one step ahead from the rest of the pack. All the activities held are emphasised on these 3 main aspects and bases:

1) Experience sharing between the professionals and prospective students,

2) Motivational relationship building among these groups of people,

3) Inculcation of the notion that Islam is a comprehensive system of life which is contemporary and modern amongst the participants

<read also Objectives page>

Among the highlights of this programme are Dynamic Talks (on various issues regarding student life abroad), Fiqh of Travellers, “7 Tools of Highly Effective Malaysian Undergraduates”, to name a few. Not to mention one of the speakers is Brother Hasrizal Abd Jamil, owner of

Now, for the most important piece of information…Event Details! It will be on 16-18th of January 2009, at Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia, Bangi (transportation from UKM KTM-Komuter Station will be provided).

Any further questions or inquiries or comments or any correspondence whatsoever, feel free to interact with us at this page via the Comments feature. or you can also email us at <read also About page>

Keep visiting this website for more updates and info.

Hope to see your name registered as our participants once the registration is opened (which we will update you of course when the time comes. so, keep on coming!). and yeah, do spread the words around!!